Barcelona unofficial fanclub

þriðjudagur, mars 30, 2004

The longest word in the world

Apperantly the longest word in the world is Icelandic its vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúraútidyralyklakippuhringur it means Vaðlaheiði (its a place) roadworking shafts keychane ring. Another long word is Donaudampfschifffahrtgesellschaftskapitänswitwenrente which means 'sailors widow pension at the Donar (a river) shipping company'. I cant say for the German word but the Icelandic one isnt in our regular vocabulary.

Anyway if you have something better to write about... please do



mánudagur, mars 22, 2004

Party, Party, Party

Tim and Kat and Seema,

Are you all in the biggest party schools of USA. I juct checked out the pop-up that comes up when you sign in on MSN and it said that University of Illinois was 4. in the best party school in Hammerica. Utexas on the other hand in sixth place and descriped Austin as an interesting city that is perfect for students.

So do you really party more there than in Catalunya?

Hey just saw The Passion of Christ, really good movie, just to ruin the plot for you then he dies in the end... but not.



miðvikudagur, mars 17, 2004

Happy St. Paddy's

Well, it's 2:30 in the afternoon on St. Paddy's and I'm still sober, so something ain't right. Got a review session tonight, then out to rectify the situation. Got some friends who were in Ireland with me coming down to visit. The one kid, his dad owns WGN, which for those of you who don't know is a television network here in the US. Big sports market...this kid is loaded. Had to learn how to drive when he went to Uni 'cause his limo driver wasn't coming with him. Adam, was it an interview with UBS? For internship or full-time? My interview with PwC was actually in the UBS building in Chicago, oddly enough. All 60 stories of it, or so. Anyone have any big plans for Paddy's Day? I suppose not everyone does it all bang up like we do. Should be an extended drunk fest right through the weekend...we're on spring break next week. Adam, I'll be thinking of you on Friday. Wish I was there to spend it with you. Well, off to get my siesta in to prepare for tonight. Pics on Walkie's site to follow.



An open letter to Tim

Ok first of all congratulation with your 21st birthday hope you got really drunk (looks like it). I really liked the photos there are some pretty hot girlfriends you have over there. The thing why I writing this to you is that I saw one picture (this one). This guy looks seriously too much like one of our Italian foreign exchange students (here). I have to say even though I got a second opinion I have been known to see people who are completely different as "lookalikes". The guy on his right would be called tjokkó (choko). This is one of Icelands best known chokko´s

Well later,


þriðjudagur, mars 16, 2004

More snow...

Well, we've got more snow coming down here today. I thought we were done with that now that we're halfway through March, but apparently not. Everyone's gearing up for spring break around here, but I'll be working down here at Uni, so I'm really not that pumped. Ulli, I know what you mean about missing that something. I think what we all need is a little reunion. My vote for destination is Chicago! Just're all welcome any time, but the only place less likely for a reunion would be New Zealand. Speaking of which, anyone heard from Caroline in a while? It seems that most people have dropped off the face of the earth. Adam will have to be dragged out of Mas i Mas if we want him to contribute to this blog. Or perhaps he's karaokeing (is that a word??) at Selmo, singing Queen at the top of his lungs with his new pals who inevitably can't sing as well as us. We did have Vegard, after all. Simon is currently searching China for Vegard, his next big prospect. Last weekend in Chicago was awesome. It's impossible to describe how cool it is to see 80 story buildings rising straight up along the river banks. Sears Tower's still there...still tall, too. I was gonna take some pics for everyone, but I figured that might make me look a bit touristy with my interviewers. Anyway, gotta run to Business Law now...should be fun. Studied "stee-moo-lee" today in marketing. Adam and Svana will remember how our Cons. Behaviour professor butchered stimuli every time and I nearly died with laughter. Well, my professor today pronounced it correctly, so it wasn't nearly as much fun. But I'm off. Ciao ciao for now, brown cow.


Ghost town

Its 3:40 (am), Im really on the fence about weather to start doing homework due tomorrow or just watch some downloaded movie I took from my schools intranet an hour ago. This day feels like dejavu, not like a crazy one just sitting in the middle of the night writing blog coz I dont want to do what Im suppose to. Its been over a month like that, at least in last month I got lucky every Friday, but things are getting better, we actually had good weather yesterday. Since my interest in downloaded movies I watched all 24, all Friends, all American Idol and a bunch of movies. I hope I get an interesting summer job so I come refreshed from "vacation" and school will be more fun.

Ok I have to be more upbeat, just for the record Im not depressed or anything like that Im just missing something, hope I find it soon.

I just watched American Idol the wildcard show and there is this one guy Matt Metzelder or something he reminds me of Vegard they arent look alikes but Its funny just something that reminds me of that. From that thought I started thinking about Love actually, just jokeing Tim, my last night in Barcelona when we went to the Kareaoki bar, we all sang "We Are the Champions" or something and they had to turn of the 'mikes'. The thing that did remind me of this night though was Vegards performance of "Eye of the Tiger" which was just classic. I hoped that Walker was on MSN so he could send it to me but he wasnt, so much for that.

I got "of my tits"in this party last Friday (if you dont believe me (which you will) she can easily confirm). I got so drunk I came home in wrong shoes, and had to go back there the day after, embarrasing. The only good thing is that I was meaning to hit on one of the prettiest girls in the school but happily something distracted me and I didnt.

Well thats it for now, its been along time since anyone other than me and Tim have bloged so thats by I called my post ghost town. Hopefully Adam will start posting, I think that is a critical success factor here.

Well later,


föstudagur, mars 12, 2004

Regardless of whos bombs went of in Madrid to day...

Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) is fighting for an independent Basque state in northern Spain and southwestern France.
The group has killed nearly 850 people since 1968, typically using car bombs or shootings. The number of ETA killings had been falling, from 23 in 2000 to three in 2003.
Spain, the United States and the European Union have listed ETA as a terrorist organization. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, who survived an ETA attack while he was opposition leader in 1995, made eliminating the group a top priority.
In 2002 the Spanish government banned the Basque political party Batasuna, which it described as ETA’s political wing. The party denied the charge. Batasuna won 10 percent of the vote in Basque parliamentary elections in May 2001.
ETA has been under pressure in recent years with 179 suspected members detained during 2003 and a total of 650 suspects arrested since 2000, mostly in Spain and France.


fimmtudagur, mars 11, 2004

One Million Dollars!

Sorry to cut that last one off so abruptly, but my girlfriend got back in the room and she was already pissed off, so I didn't want her to see me typing about Keira Knightley on her computer. Long story, but Keira has caused me problems before.

So, I was watching the news the other night, and they had an interesting occurrence at Wal-Mart. I'm sure most of you know what Wal-Mart is and that they sell products for cheap, but I'm not sure if you truly understand the clientele that visit a Wal-Mart store. These are your run-o-the-mill white trash, broke ass, got-nothing-better-to-do Americans (whether legal or illegal). By the way, I was just at Super Wal-Mart last night at midnight, but that's beside the point. So a lady goes into Wal-Mart and tries to pay with a 1 million dollar bill. Apparently the cashiers aren't as dumb as they look 'cause they caught on, and the lady was found to have 3 more in her purse. As if this lady with a NASCAR t-shirt and hair straight out the 80s would have 3 million dollars in her purse. Do we even make a 1 million dollar bill? I couldn't imagine a use for it, or why we would make it other than for Montgomery Burns to steal. Or for people to use at Wal-Mart. Hell, I had to wait 15 minutes last night 'cause I wanted 60 bucks cash back and they had to go to the vault to get it. How did THIS lady think she was going to get change from her million dollar bill??? Wal-Mart...finishing the job for George W.


Sweet Home Chicago!!

I get to go to Chicago for the weekend, and I'm pretty stoked about it. I leave school behind for the weekend and head up to Chi-town. I've got an interview with PwC downtown, and they're putting me up in a sweet hotel, taking me out to dinner in Little Italy tomorrow night, then grilling me mercilessly at the office on Friday morning. But it'll be good to get out of Central Illinois.

Glad to see that Ulli is STILL talking about Love Actually. I mean, it's a good movie, but move on Ulli. Keira Knightley is wicked hot, though. Rare for a Brit ;) Bought my girlfriend the soundtrack and she listens to it 24-7 now. Got an insanely long e-mail from Wieteke the other day, so apparently Holland is still afloat. No word from SARS-chaser, Vegard.


sunnudagur, mars 07, 2004


Uhhh I started liking this girl alot without knowing her to much, a week after I met her I started... well not disliking her but now she´s kind of nutral to me. But the strange thing is that I still have this feeling in my stomach that isnt very comfortable. So I remember this one conversation from the movie Love Actually which I hope most of you have seen and Im not in love like the kid in the movie but I know where he is coming from.

Daniel: Liam Neeson as the dad who thinks his son has some really big problem coz he´s acting weird
Sam: The son whos acting strange

Daniel: So what's the problem, Sammy-o? Maybe... school - are you being bullied? or is it, I don't know - something worse? Can you give me any clues at all?
Sam: You really want to know?
Daniel: I really want to know.
Sam: Even though you won't be able to do anything to help?
Daniel: Even if that's the case.
Sam: OK. The truth is... I'm in love.
Daniel: Sorry?
Sam: The truth is I'm in love and there's nothing I can do about it, and it just keeps getting worse.
Daniel: Aren't you a bit young to be in love?
Sam: No.
Daniel: Oh, OK, right. Well, I can't deny it. I'm a little relieved.
Sam: Why?
Daniel: Well, you know - I thought it might be something worse. Sam
Sam: Worse then the total agony of being in love?
Daniel: Oh. Yeah, you're right. Total agony.



fimmtudagur, mars 04, 2004

Sing Kat, sing

Went to see a Barça game got this feeling Tim used to talk about and thought about this song. Sing Kat!!!!!:)

Tot el camp (klapp-klapp-klapp)
es un clam (klapp-klapp-klapp)
som la gent Blau Grana
Tan se val d'on venim
Si del sud o del nord
ara estem d'acord
estem d'acord
una bandera ens agermana.

Blau Grana al vent
un crit valent
tenim un nom
el sap tothom

Jugadors (klapp, klapp, klapp)
Seguidors (klapp, klapp, klapp)
tots unit fem força
son molts d'anys plens d'afanys
son molts gols que hem cridat
i s'ha demostrat
s'ha demostrat
que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer

Blau Grana al vent
un crit valent
tenim un nom
el sap tothom


miðvikudagur, mars 03, 2004



I noticed that Tim did what Americans always do when somebody bothers them...blamed the French. But anyway I saw this on the internet and just loved it, I did put it with the links so if you are ever feeling sad I bet this can lift your spirit.



þriðjudagur, mars 02, 2004

Blame the French


As a linguistic buff, I can tell you that the English are not to blame for the word "defenestrate." The word stems from the Old French "fennestre," or window (in Modern French the "s" is replaced with an accent circonflex, but I can't type that on my computer). The prefix "de-" stems from Latin. So, we are wholly free from blame on this one, buddy. Take your qualms elsewhere for we are unequivocally innocent.


mánudagur, mars 01, 2004



There is nothing in this world that can defend what Im about to say. As you know I have often said that your native language is Bullshit. And here is my proof:

Defenstrate: To throw something or somebody through a window in selfdefence

How did this word come alive. Did somebody do this and the police came and he said "but I only dentrated" i really dont understand.

